
Posts Tagged ‘make friends

Facebook is like a perfect curtain which can allow people socialize while hidding their real lives behind. They are not only able to communicate with their real-life friends, but also make friends with people who they neve met before. I know some people who deliberately disguis their facebooks to attract strangers. They put on nice photos of themselves, write on  well-organised status and even hide their real-life relationship status. In this case the friends of their friends are more willing to add them. Holding such a long list of friends is also regarded as a symbol of sociable on Internet, which gains more attentions.

Facebook Log-in Page. From techpluto.com.

Friends, this definition has been expanded ever since the start of Internet, especially Facebook. In the old days, we would call others as friends only after we’ve made quite acquitances with them in real life. We know their actual ages, family backgrounds, jobs, hobbies and personalities for sure. But Facebook makes everything can be fake. One can make up everything of oneself when others only get to know them through Internet. Interestingly, Facebook users esp. the young people havn’t thought of any problems with it. And they proudly call their Facebook friends as real-life friends. Thus suddenly their social community are widely broaden up.

Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg. From eatocracy.cnn.com

However I believe these Facebook fans will change their minds after they realise the mess. One of my friends actually went out with one of her facebook friend. She thought he was fine and they had common hobbies such as watching Japanese dramas. But after she gets to know him, especially after meeting his friends in real life. She realised he was not the kind of person who his Facebook showed he was. He didn’t know much about Japanese dramas. And it turned out that he holded several Facebook accounts and none of them is reflecting the real him. After this lesson, my girlfriend became very cautious when she meets new friends online.

If Facebook can really be the curtain in socializing, I hope it can become the one which protects ourselves not the one which helps others to fake and set us up.



June 2024

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