
Posts Tagged ‘media convergence

Fashion comes back to retro and old trend every now and then. Vintage clothes, bags or shoes sometime beat the latest-created clothing concepts and become people’s favorites. Will media follows the same circle? Will old media ever prevail the lates techonology and new media?

Vintage Wedding Dress. From cheap-chic-weddings.com

However, for me personally, it’s not absurd to choose old media tools over the new one? And I believe this will be the same with every other new-generation’s. For instance, when we do research for our essays, don’t we find writing notes by hand is more convenient and helpful than typing it in the computer? Even scientists have found that writing can help people think more clealry and memorise better. But typing is less efficient since it costs much less brain works and hand works. Besides, as the technology hasn’t been improved to perfections, it isn’t able to totally substitute how human functions. When we take notes we hold the tangible paper and we draw random graphs, but this is hard to achieve in our laptops.

Fashion Look-- People Wear Vintage Bags. From Lookbook.nu.

Except for working, when I relax I sometime prefer TV rather than Internet Video Websites. This’s not only because of that TV’s screen is larger. It more feels like that TV is serving me while the Internet is a platform which needs me to act first. Internet is aiming to be more personalised so it requires people’s selections or searches to provide what people personally like. While TV is simply a general platform with flowing informations, people can only get what’s already prepared in TV. And this is perfect when I only need relaxing but not any specifically presonalised entertainments.

Vintage Books. From harvestbooks.com

And beside myself, generally people would like to read a paper book rather than read online or from the electronic gadgets like iPad. The reason is mainly about the Ergonomy. The light of the electronic tool is hurting eyes after a long time of reading. And as human has been reading paper books for more than thousand years, we habitually prefer the feeling of reading words from bound books. I still remember in the movie ‘Sex and the City’, Big asked Carrie why she still borrowed books from NYC library. She answered that, she liked the smell. I guess books and vintage clothes have common reason to be popular. That is they both remind us of the history, the way we dressed and read when we were young and the way our ancestors lived in thousands years ago.



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