
Posts Tagged ‘visual metaphor

Web 2.0 has its limitation in many aspects. But it utilizes the visual metaphors form older media to expand its limitations.

The look of the web pages nowadays follows the contemporary electronic gadget design. It consists of a background with blocks of graphics, videos and text superimposed upon it, with no clear structure to bring it all together (Lialina, 2009: 63). MySpace, for example, has a few most-used categories on the top. And main part of the page is occupied with large blocks of newest applications, recommended MySpace celebrities and videos. Each block is basically a fancy picture followed by a few descriptive lines. And the less-interested categories are put on the bottom with smallest typeface. The more popular contents are more highlighted. With a simple click, users can access to all information related it. Any user who goes into MySpace will find it handy or transparent because they can make it work immediately. The system is designed to be light, intuitive and transparent as the cool electronic gadgets like iPods. The eager intentions of mimic come from the weaknesses of the Web 1.0. They used to look like a mess or old “desktop” metaphor because back in few decades the main web designers are amateur ones “who are tried tied to HTML-based aesthetics” (Lialina, 2009: 62). Also as the Web can be accessed universally and reproduced unlimitedly, it has been devalued. So to imitate Apple’s cool site design and its expensive plastic’s candy color in pictures can make the MySpace look more valued. Plus, “MySpace profile editor allows users to set opacity for blocks on the page from 10 to 100%” (Lialina, 2009: 63). Such expense of usability requires MySpace puts less contents on the page to look light too.

MySpace Home Page. From theothersidemag.co.uk

On the other hand, personalized homepage of Web 2.0 imitates the homepage of Web 1.0 and real-life segments to attract amateurs. iGoogle, Google Personalized Homepage, is an example. Google service invites its users to recreate the feel of homepage, offers ways to personalize their spaces. And there are six new themes announced: Seasonal Scape, Tea House, Bus Stop etc (Lialina, 2009: 61). The new themes stem from the entertaining events from real life. And the concept of homepage was created by amateur designers in Web 1.0. For the retro iGoogle, Jessica Ewing the Google Product Manager said “this feature makes the Google home page feel a little more like home.” Thus iGoogle’s purpose is revealed as to create a relaxed, fun atmosphere and appeal to young web users. iGoogle offers users the chances to travel or have a tea online even when they are working on searching. While classically, the site for searching purposes like Google has been disguising itself under the concepts of empiricism and specialism. Google has the minimal look of site which contains only the logo, searching bar, a few categories and simple white background. Google looks and contents much less entertaining for young people compared to social networking sites like MySpace. So iGoogle as an interesting even wasted function attempts to drag the young and innocent amateurs’ attentions. “And they are less likely to stand up and claim a part of the fast increasing surplus value the internet is creating (Lialina, 2009: 63).”

iGoogle Site. From googlesystem.blogspot.com


Olia Lialina, ‘Vernacular Web 2’, in Olia Lialina and Dragan Espenschied (eds) Digital Folklore Reader, Stuttgart: Merz Akademie, 2009.



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